Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I was sitting in class today just thinking of the bombings in Boston Yesterday and this is my thoughts and response to that event among the other tragedies that we as a nation and on a grander scale we as a world  have faced  
Sometimes among life’s storm-tossed ways

We are tempted to ask

“Where is God?”

When the innocents are carried away in

Brutality and fear

And not upon snowy beds of white.

“Where is God?”

Why must our world be

Ruled in fear and malice?

“God where are you?”

When Evil reigns and Good

Is plundered and battered

“God where are you?”

Softly the answer whispers back

“I am here, even in this nation that

I am called to bless and those

Blessings are trampled upon.

Even here were my name is mocked, my principles are

Hated and my people “intolerant”

Yes even here am I in this nation of

Red, white, and blue.”

As the world arrays itself in disarray,

You can almost hear the silent tears

Of a God of free choice who mourns

The decisions of his children.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The stench is horrible

Mud oozing between toes

Hair crusted to my forehead.

I try to climb out

To reach the distant light

But to no avail!

The dirt wall crumbles beneath my fingers

And I once again am covered with the mire.

I look around and see a stranger

He is among the dirt as well but

The mud does not stain his robe

Nor cling to his hair.

As he comes near me I am ashamed

I try to wipe the grime off

Of my skin

But it just gets pushed further into my pores.

I sink to my knees,

“Unclean! Unclean!” I hear my voice cry out.

But he does not heed my warning,

Instead he wraps his arms around me and hugs me close

He wipes the tears from my cheeks and gathers me in his arms.

He stands up and carries me toward the dirt wall.

What are you doing?! Don’t crush me in the wall!

But at the last minute

 the wall trembles and  yields to him

And the barrier becomes a staircase.

We ascend into the brilliant light.

The man puts me down

Brown gold-flecked eyes look into mine

If you want to stay with me I need to cleanse you.

It will hurt but will you trust me?

Hesitation fills my heart

Who is he? Just a stranger!

Then my soul cries out

He saved you from that pit! How can he be anything but good?


He gently begins to scrub away the dirt from my body

At first the pain is too much to bear

I look into my savior’s face

Wonder of Wonders!

There are tears in his eyes, he feels my pain

And as I look into his face I find I can bear the pain better.

Then he dresses me in the finest garments and brushes out the

knots and dirt in my hair.

He takes my hand

Come daughter I have much to show you.

And hand in hand we set off on an
