Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This Little Pig Went Wee, Wee All the Way Back Down the Aisle

The best (and to some the longest) time of the year is fair season. During this season there are livestock shows where 4-H and FFA members exhibit their animals and try to win prizes.  Now these kids are hard workers and know what they are doing (for the most part). The visitors however have not been shown the Visitors Guide to Properly Visiting the Barns during a Show manual. 

Once upon a time a closed gate meant that there was something in the pen that should not get out or that should not be visited. Somewhere between once upon a time and fair season the international symbol of a closed gate has lost all meaning. The gates to the barns are thrust open, completely ignored and swarms of humanity swirl through the aisles. Even chains and neon signs do not stop these people. Very calmly and patiently do the exhibitors try to get their pigs through the crowd, weaving through Abercrombie jean-clad legs and Nordstrom donned foot. Oh and do not worry about touching the spooked two thousand pound steer while the fifteen year old boy is holding onto it, it will only cost you  a broken bone or twenty (never mind about the boy…).

During the heat of competition and stress of trying to get animals prepared, shavings flying and water spraying the gates are once again pushed aside and horror of horrors! The cry is taken up by child and adult alike. “The Strollers are coming! The Strollers are coming!” The swinging mobiles grin menacingly as these instruments of doom come on. The pigs balk and run, the goats bleat in terror and the dairy beef bellow as they smash into the side of the barn trying to escape. The child giggles and waves sticky fingers in amusement. The parents smile, take out their smart phones to take pictures of little Tommy at his first fair.  The exhibitors try to sneak around and get to the show ring but then Tommy sees the pig. He opens up his gummy mouth and lets out a wail that would drown out vuvuzelas. Mother whirls around and gives the animal and exhibitor a look that would kill a dozen times over, and yells at them to move (forgetting she, and her sweet Tommy are the intruders on the exhibitors turf). The pig listens, turns curly tail and runs…in the opposite direction of the show ring, and turmoil is unleashed in the barn.

So please, before visiting a fair or farm show, pull out your copy of Visitors Guide to Properly Visiting the Barns during a Show, dust it off and read it, cover to cover. The exhibitors will appreciate it and so would the animals.