Friday, June 9, 2017

Itching for Israel

So its here... 10 days. Wow. As I'm sitting here letting this all sink in, I'm watching what else? Old bible movies, King of Kings to be exact.
10 days. That's all that stand between me and a dream I have had since I was a little girl. Never would I have dreamed in my wildest dreams I would get to Israel. But God knew my passion and Jared saw my  love for a place I have never seen and is making it happen. (What a great engagement gift! ;)

Why Israel? Why this passion? Why do shivers go up and down my spine whenever The Holy Land is mentioned? Why am I moved to tears whenever something remotely hebrew is talked about?
I wish I could tell you.
10 days. The thought is just so overwelming to me. I am going to be walking where my savior walked. Where his people followed him. Where my people came from.
10 days and I'm already packed ;)

***if you have any desire or care. I'll be trying to do a blog as we are traveling. ***

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